Left Oslo this morning for the 6 hour train trip to Bergen in glorious sunshine and temps of 20 degrees. The trip is promoted as one of the five most scenic rail trips in the world and it didn't disappoint. Although I mistakingly booked a non-window seat facing the wrong way! But it didn't matter as there were plenty of places to admire the view. Although the mountains are low compared to the Alps they are snow covered for most of the year! A thousand photo's later we arrived in Bergen, which is a really pretty town surround by mountains. And guess who met me at the station - Alice. A short walk to the hotel to dump the bags then it was off to find a beer. However like Oslo, it's festival time and the place was packed. The surprising feature of the festival was that the food stalls were selling whale (which looked disgusting) and moose meats. It is amazing that tourists support these shops. One whale meat store even had a picture of a whale doing a tail slap to promote the product!!! Go figure.... But tonight I had to try Reindeer (as they are a farmed animal) for dinner. Delicious, but with a gamey, liver flavour. A full day in Bergen tomorrow then off to the Arctic.
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